followthesun1 wrote in fyentertainment May 07, 2015 20:15
what does that even mean honey, fuggen glamberts!!!!, haha omg let it go already!!, narcissistic idiot brigade, thought this a wank comm guess not, @hannabec just adam please, the other high, wrong false and a lie, go stan tommy joe and his po box, hahahhaha don't nobody lecture me!!!!!, talk about egotistical, idolberts don't need no fucking facts!, your bitter tears are my bidet, desperation is vile to me, there's no menu, !!wank post, thank you for the feedback wanda, adam disregards you coldly, we're mall security
binkleywtf wrote in fyentertainment Jan 13, 2013 19:40
some cray hater forum at lj, fuggen glamberts!!!!, ♥‿♥, the penis part definitely happened, the theme is 'ass', ʘ‿ʘ, !!wank post, penis-feelings for adumb, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯